The acai berry is mainly from Brazil and other parts of the Amazonian Rain Forrest. Brazilians believe acai gives you strength, energy, and better sex.

Acai is pronounced ah-sah-yee and is drunk more commonly than milk in Brazil. This magic fruit potion fuels the hedonistic energy. In fact, doctors in Brazil recommend drinking acai a lot when couples are having trouble getting pregnant!
Want to increase your sex drive and help your health in many ways simultaneously? We have found the following products helpful and quite successful in providing this. Of course, this is an all-natural attempt at increasing your sex drive, so it may not happen for weeks or months, depending on your body. But, the acai and sex drive sometimes go hand in hand with some individuals.

There are a couple of great articles about the acai berry and better sex that the British have published. Please find links to them below:
Learn more about the Acai Berry and its benefits:
Monday 3rd of July 2017
I interested in Acai Berry. How to buy ?
MD: Shakil Mahmud
Friday 25th of December 2009
these are very very helpful and filled with lots of quality. so, we should use it as a daily food.