The dragon fruit plant originates in Central and South America. However, the plant was introduced to Vietnam by the French over one hundred years ago—bringing it over as an ornamental plant.
The plant is nicknamed “Queen of the Night,” “Moonflower,” and “Lady of the Night” because the large flowers only bloom at night time.
The Vietnamese, like the Mexicans, realized that the plant had great-tasting fruit and began cultivating it. In fact, now, the fruit is grown in many Southeast Asian countries, like Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii, as a large-scale commercial crop.
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It may be hard to believe, but this plant is a member of the cactus family. Although it doesn’t resemble your typical ornamental cactus, it requires dry areas to grow correctly like other cacti. It does best in soil with high levels of organic material. The plant’s ornate flowers are white and enormous, measuring about 14 inches long or more, and have a sweet, pleasant fragrance when they bloom. Oddly enough, the flowers of the dragon fruit plant bloom only for one night, although the plants can have between 4 and 6 fruit cycles in a year.
The dragonfruit has an exotic, striking appearance, just like its name implies. It can be either bright pink, red, or yellow-skinned with green spines. The fruit has an oval shape; inside its flesh, it is usually white or red with black seeds dotted all over, an appearance similar to kiwi fruit seeds. Dragon fruit can have a sweet or slightly sour taste depending on the type you’re eating. The numerous seeds in the fruit’s flesh add a crunchy texture to its fantastic flavor. The dragon fruit of the genus Stenocereus is called pitaya, while that of the genus Hylocereus is called pitahaya. Of all the types of dragon fruit, most people typically prefer the red fruit to eat raw because it tastes the sweetest.
You can choose from and grow different types of dragon fruit – all of them will maintain their green appearance until they become bright yellow or red in coloration. Let’s look at three of the most popular types of dragon fruit plants out there:
- Hylocereus Undatus – The fruits of this one are white-fleshed and the exterior is actually red in color.
- Hylocereus Costaricensis – The shell and flesh of these fruits are red – in fact, the flesh is almost blood-red.
- Hylocereus Megalanthus – These fruits have the same white flesh and a yellow shell. This shell is thornier than your typical dragon fruit plant, making this variety a rarer one to spot in gardens.
You can use seeds or stem cuttings – the easiest method, to grow dragon fruit. Since the plant is closely related to the orchid cacti or epiphyllum, the pitahaya (dragon fruit plant) can be cross-pollinated. Seeds from the dragon fruit plant are best obtained when the fruit is unblemished and overripe. You then need to clean and store them thoroughly once they are dry. The plant will germinate 10-14 days after planting if put in a shallow planter full of soil or compost mix. Since this plant is a cactus, overwatering is a concern you should look out for. The plant will need something to grab onto as it grows. It is usually planted as a climber to cover chain link fencing due to the heavy weight of its vine.
Since dragon fruit is part of the cacti family, it requires plenty of sunlight. However, this doesn’t also apply to the base of the plant, which can stand a bit of shade. Instead, the tips of the dragon fruit plant require direct sunlight to ensure the flowers bloom well and the plant will ultimately yield great fruits.
Once the plant reaches about ten pounds, it will produce a flower. Since the flowers only bloom at night, the plant must be cross-pollinated by bats or moths during this time. By morning, the flowers start to wither and die due to the rising heat, which is when the fruit grows. Like other cacti, the dragon fruit plant will take root in the soil if a healthy chunk is cut off the main plant and then planted. This plant can handle temperatures from short periods of frost to 104 degrees F – quite the range!
Ensure you water this plant as you would water any other related cactus plant, with caution and mindfulness. The upper part of the soil needs to be dry to the touch, and when you water the plant, you’ll need to ensure the soil becomes moist, not drenched in water.
Pests That Are Attracted to the Dragon Fruit Plant
The pests that will most likely be attracted to this plant are aphids and mealybugs – these tend to suck the sap right out of the plant. Aphids may also attract ants that further damage the dragon fruit plant. Mites are also a hindrance to the overall well-being of the plant. Although they will not kill it, they will prevent its healthy development.
If your plant has an infection, you’ll most likely be able to recognize it by the so-called Dragon Spots that appear on its leaves and stems. Bacteria can cause all sorts of diseases for your dragon fruit plant, such as soft stem rot – the end of the branches will be affected by this. These are contagious illnesses, so sterilize your clippers after each use. You will also need to pay attention to potential sunburn that could occur in the hottest months of the year.
Potting Your Dragon Fruit Plant
Dragon fruit plants can easily be potted, which ensures you can quickly move them back inside whenever temperatures drop. However, the pots need proper drainage so the roots don’t retain too much moisture causing them to rot. Larger pots are the best possible option if you’re looking to plant dragon fruit plants – consider at least 15 gallons in size.
Countries that often grow this plant are Mexico, Ecuador, Columbia, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. Their exposure to higher temperatures and sunny climates make them ideal settings for these plants to thrive in.
You can grab a 3-pack of Dragon Fruit plants on Amazon
Dragon Fruit Growing Season
The hot months of summer create all the magic these plants need to reach maturity. The dragon fruit plant will grow quickly and rapidly, with blooms occurring from July through October – blooming only one night each year. One dragon fruit plant can produce fruits for 20 to 30 years, so it’s pretty prolific. If you plant your own dragon fruit, you can rejoice for the steady and long-lasting fruit crop it yields.
What’s In the Dragon Fruit?
Dragon fruit has made quite a name for itself, not only because of the peculiar and exotic way it looks, as well as for its pleasant taste but also due to many health benefits that were revealed in time. This antioxidant fruit is one of the most exotic finds and a true superfruit regarding the vitamins and minerals it contains. So, let’s take a closer look at what such a fruit contains in terms of nutritional value and how it helps boost your immune system. It’s important to remember that 100 g of dragon fruit contains the following:
1.2 grams of protein -it’s important to remember that protein takes care of everything concerning your tissue health. Cartilage, skin, and bones will also benefit from a protein-rich diet.
3 grams of fiber – is essential to the body because it regulates intestinal transit. A good fiber intake will decrease your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. You’ll feel full and satiated without needing to eat anything extra for hours. thanks to a good fiber intake. You’ll feel full and satiated without needing to snack on anything extra for hours to come. - 10% magnesium – this vital mineral regulates your moods and prevents depression and anxiety from developing. Muscle contractions will also be regulated appropriately, thanks to this super mineral in the body.
- 4% iron – another essential mineral to the body’s well-being since it helps hemoglobin function properly – this protein carries oxygen in the blood. It ensures your entire body is supplied with healthy oxygen levels. A lack of iron in the body will typically cause anemia. This condition leaves you with fatigue, leg cramps, rapid heartbeat, and insomnia, among other symptoms.
- 3% vitamin C -this critical vitamin will help prevent iron deficiency, reduce your risk of chronic disease, lower your risk of heart disease, help better manage high blood pressure, and boost your immunity.
The calorie count for 100 g of dragon fruit is low, barely reaching 60, making this fruit highly nutrient-dense. This fruit also contains potent compounds that help combat free radicals. Such radicals are responsible for cellular aging.
In the dragon fruit pulp, you’ll find these three antioxidants, among others:
- Flavonoids – these antioxidants are linked to improved brain health and a decreased risk of heart disease.
- Betalains – are deep red pigments that protect against harmful LDL cholesterol oxidation.
- Hydroxycinnamates – test tube studies, such as The Role of Phenolic Compounds in the Fight Against Cancer–A Review, show how these compounds may play an active anticancer role.
Antioxidants protect the body’s cells against the natural aging process and play an essential part in the effects of chronic inflammation.
According to a study, Effect of Dragon Fruit Extract on Oxidative Stress and Aortic Stiffness in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes in Rats, the rats that received an extract from the fruit noticed a 35% decrease in the marker of free-radical damage called malondialdehyde. However, studies of the effects of dragon fruit on human diabetes patients are still inconsistent, so additional scientific research is needed before concluding that a steady intake of dragon plants may help with diabetes.
This plant is used ornamentally in people’s gardens, and parts of it are used to produce food color. Dragon fruit, at its best, is used in syrups, popsicles, pudding, ice cream, and fruit salads. Some people love to serve it raw and chilled, cutting it in half and eating the flesh with a spoon or even as a dried fruit.
Because dragonfruit is one of those fiber-rich fruits, it can be used to avoid bowel problems while improving your digestive system. Dragon fruit is also high in vitamin C and vitamins B1, B2, and B3. These vitamins allow you to strengthen your skin and your immune system at the same time. A diet with a regular intake of dragon fruit will provide you with more vitamins and minerals. This fruit contains calcium, phosphorous, and iron. That’s right, this tasty treat can make a difference for your bones and teeth.
The peoples of Asia believe that the fruit has excellent medicinal value. According to them, it can lower high blood pressure and blood glucose levels in Type 2 Diabetes. This could be partly due to dragon fruit’s antioxidant properties and lack of cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans fat, which all stabilize blood pressure. In addition, fruit seeds lower the risk of heart disease because they contain omega (3 and 6) fatty acids. Furthermore, dragon fruit is full of phytoalbumins, which are known to reduce cancer growth, as well as lycopene, which is currently being researched to prevent prostate cancer. This fruit brings good benefits all around!
As you can see, the dragon fruit plant is resilient and hardy, bringing justice to the cacti family it pertains to. It’s easy to plant and requires plenty of sun and mindful watering. In return, you will receive a vast and delicious crop of dragon fruits. There are three main types of dragon fruit plants to choose from, and you may just as well pot it in your backyard, on the condition that you bring it indoors whenever weather conditions become cold and unfavorable.
What Does Dragon Fruit Taste Like?
While this exotic fruit might look unusual, the taste is moderate. It’s described as something like a pear or a kiwi fruit but slightly sweeter. It is not an intense flavor, but the red variant is best if you want the sweetest.
That’s because the white dragon fruit flesh is a little more subtle. The red flesh is still not extremely sweet, but it does have a little more to it.
How to Tell if Dragon Fruit is Ripe?
You have a ripe dragon fruit ready to eat if the skin has turned from green to red or yellow, and the ‘wings’ – the spiky growths coming off the fruit – have started to turn brown and wither.
If the tropical fruit has yet to change color or the wings are still looking healthy, it is best to wait a little longer if you want the freshest dragon fruit that’s ready to eat.
How good is dragon fruit for you?
Dragon fruit offers many health benefits. It is high in vitamins C, B1, B2, and B3. It is a good source of antioxidants that can improve your overall health, boost your immune system and tackle inflammation.
Dragon fruit also contains magnesium, a mineral that can help regulate your mood – meaning that it is beneficial not only to your physical health but also to your mental health.
Is dragon fruit safe to eat every day?
If you don’t have an allergy to pitaya fruits, you should be safe to eat dragon fruit daily. It does have some excellent vitamins and minerals, and a controlled daily portion can contribute towards a healthy balanced diet.
There are a number of ways you can vary your dragon fruit intake too. For example, it’s tasty when eaten raw in a fruit salad or blended with coconut milk and other tropical fruit like mango for an exotic fruit smoothie.
Does dragon fruit help you lose weight?
Dragon fruit is low in calories – around 60 in 100g – while being an excellent source of fiber, including soluble fibers. This means it could be a beneficial addition to your diet if you want to lose weight.
It is nutritious and fulfilling but will not heavily increase your calorie intake. At the same time, fiber can improve your digestive system and keep everything working as it should, which helps maintain the body’s natural processes and can aid you in losing weight.
Can you grow dragon fruit in winter?
It is tough to grow dragon fruit in winter. The plants need plenty of sun and mild to hot temperatures to thrive without it being sweltering either. The plant can withstand some mild frost but sustained cold temperatures will kill it.
The plant tends to bear fruit for around five months of the year, from early summer until around mid-fall.
What climate do dragon fruits grow in?
Dragon fruit needs a warm and sunny climate to grow, so the plant thrives in countries around Central and South America and parts of Asia. Likewise, they thrive in areas with no frost and mild winters, although they can tolerate short cold spells.
What zones can dragon fruit grow in?
Dragon fruit grows well in tropical and subtropical climates or USDA hardiness zones 10 and 11. It is possible to grow fresh dragon fruit in zone 9. However, the fruit may need protection when the temperature drops to freezing.
These antioxidant fruits are some of nature’s most rewarding fruits, both in terms of taste and health benefits, so make sure you include them in your healthy and nutritious diet. They will play an active role in the fight against the body’s natural aging process. In addition, they will help with inflammation in the body. At the same time, their essential minerals and vitamins will boost your immune system and improve your brain power. They’re easy to consume, attractive to the eye, and incredibly delicious – some of nature’s fantastic antioxidant superfruits!
Additional Dragon Fruit Resources on Antioxidant
Saturday 20th of July 2013
Hello all! You can find Dragon fruits in most Asian super market.
tickles dag
Thursday 21st of March 2013
i am about to plant dragon fruit trees,with 30 poles and 3 trees on each pole so a total of 80 cuttings. I am just wondering what government/private sectors particularly in Mindanao, Philippines that can help me in terms of financial assistance for the entire project. thank you very much.
Tuesday 12th of February 2013
Can it grow in Canadaian winters? Southeastern part of Ontario. Will it survive the snow?Climate is changing here.We don't have winters like we used to.
Saturday 10th of November 2012
I just bought some Pepsi with "dragonfruit" flavoring in it. It's good! I know it isn't nearly as good for you as the fruit in it's natural form. However, buying that Pepsi, not knowing the dragonfruit was an added ingredient, has introduced me to another food I can eat that will be good for me. I like that. The family member that was with me whenever I purchased the 12-pack, was the one who noticed the added ingredient. I gave her a can to try. Neither of us had any idea what it was. I just called her and she told me someone gave her some type of seeds yesterday..... she looked.... yes- dragonfruit seeds. How ironic, huh? Now, we are going to see about growing some to eat. Yeah!
Saturday 10th of November 2012
Nice - isn't it funny how things work out that way - you never notice something and then when you do notice it, it seems to be all around you! Let us know how the growing goes!
Wednesday 26th of September 2012
I need to grow the dragon fruit but I am no experiences for growing and maintenance it, have you ever found about disease and insects of dragon fruit ?. let me know please.