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Freeze Dried Pineapple

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Brothers-ALL-Natural Pineapple Crisps

Brothers-ALL-Natural Pineapple Crisps

A favorite family activity has always been baking, but as time and the waistline have progressed, the baking rituals have taken a healthy turn.  One of the favorite baking projects now is granola bars.  Wrapping these tasty treats in wax paper or foil allows us to save them for lunch boxes or as after dinner snacks. While plain granola is tasty, sometimes everyone needs a little extra and that is where the freeze dried fruit comes into play.  There are a million granola recipes online to make your own bars, but we also add freeze dried pineapple, dried wild blueberries (picked from the yard), and freeze dried bananas to various trays of warm granola.  By adding the fruit before the bars are formed it is well mixed into each bar.  Other family members also use dried apple chunks, organic dried cherries, and on occasion a few chocolate chips get added to calm the sweet tooth that we all have.  Drizzling a little caramel over the tops of the granola bars, especially those with freeze dried bananas or apples makes them extra special.  Take a chance and buy or make some freeze dried fruit to use in recipes of your own.

Buy Freeze Dried Pineapple Online.

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