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Fruit Fighting Cancer

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Fruit Fighting Cancer

pomegranateAll of us have seen far too many family members and other people contract cancer in some form or another.

Here are the basic facts about cancer:

  • Most cancers begin as the result free radical damage to our cells
  • Chronic inflammation is associated with cancer

Here are the basic facts about fruit:

  • Fruit provides high amounts of antioxidants and antioxidants prevent free radical damage
  • Antioxidants prevent chronic inflammation
Acai Berry

Acai Berry

1. Acai Berry– Has been shown to trigger a self-destruct mechanism in 86% of leukemia cells
2. Purple Grapes– Have been shown to inhibit the formation of cancer cells by limiting the activity of certain types of free radicals
3. Wolfberry– Has been shown to trigger a self-destructing mechanism in certain types of liver cancer cells
4. Pomegranate– Has been shown to be effective in fighting colon cancer.
5. Kiwi Fruit– Has been shown to have a protective effect on DNA, which could prevent certain forms of cancer
6. Aronia Berry– Has been shown to be effective in fighting colon cancer.
7. Lychee Fruit– Has been shown to trigger a self-destructing mechanism in breast cancer cells
8. Blueberry– Has been shown to have a protective effect on DNA, which could prevent certain forms of cancer.


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