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Gaviola, Anti-Cancer Fruit

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The Graviola is a healing fruit, if not the healing fruit in the world of herbal medicine. Though many pharmaceutical companies have claimed otherwise, the US National Cancer Institute in 1976 proved them wrong. Scientific research and studies proved that the Graviola, besides its leaves and stem, was discovered to be attacking and destroying cancerous cells and not harming healthy cells.

The Graviola, soursop, or Guyabano is one of the healthiest fruits available to most of the world’s population. It is alternatively known as soursop and is native to humid and warm climates – areas such as Mexico, Central America, and the northern part of South America.

It has a high content of carbohydrates, specifically fructose, aside from Vitamins C, B1, B2, Potassium, and dietary fiber. The juicy white flesh of the fruit has a diverse taste of pineapple and strawberry and a tang of sour citrus.
It has the shape of a spiky green heart and grows from 8 to 12 inches, and weighs around 2.5 kilos maximum.

The soursop is an immune system booster that could combat deadly infections. In addition, it is low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and sodium.

Fresh Guanabana Soursop Graviola Set Of 3 Fruits

What Parts of the Graviola Fruit Can You Use?

The significant part about the soursop is that not only is the fruit usable, but also the roots, the bark of the Graviola tree, and the leaves are edible/usable. The only parts of the Graviola fruit you can’t use are its black seeds; the human body cannot adequately digest them. However, all the other parts can be infused in teas to alleviate fevers, stomach ailments, and viruses.

Graviola is a powerhouse of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that help build a more robust immune system and be better equipped against different afflictions and conditions that can impact the body’s well-being.

It’s essential to know that 100 grams (g) of raw graviola fruit contains the following: 1 gram of protein, 3.3 grams of fiber, 34% of the RDI of vitamin C, 8% of the RDI for potassium, 5% of the RDI for magnesium and 5% of the RDI for thiamine. In addition, you’ll also benefit from small amounts of iron, folate, niacin, and riboflavin.

In addition to the impressive qualities the graviola fruit holds when it comes to health improvement, scientists have become increasingly curious about this fruit since it may also positively impact cancer cells. All research in this direction stems from test tubes for now, but it’s still a good launching point for further investigation.

Fresh Guanabana Soursop Graviola

The Graviola Fruit’s Proven Benefits

One test-tube study took nineteen samples of Annona muricata, the graviola fruit, and tested them against breast cancer cells. It was shown that although these graviola fruit samples had different potency in the fight against breast cancer cells, each helped shrink the tumor, both in size and weight. Apart from this, the Graviola fruit samples decreased the level of nitric oxide and malondialdehyde in the tumor, which ultimately indicates that the Graviola fruit holds potency in successfully fighting cancerous cells and restoring the integrity of the immune system.

Another study, Antiproliferative activity and induction of apoptosis by Annona muricata (Annonaceae) extract on human cancer cells, was similarly conducted to notice Graviola fruit’s effect on leukemia cells. Amazingly, the soursop extract managed to stop the growth and formation of these leukemia cells.

These results are promising, but it’s important to note that these test tube studies use extracts in high quantities that may otherwise be difficult to administer to people.

The fantastic benefits of the graviola fruit on the human body do not stop here. The Graviola fruit’s most impressive achievement may be its positive impact on cancerous cells. Still, it also has many other benefits for the body’s well-being.

Guanabana Fruit Soursop Graviola cut in half showing the inside of the fruit

Soursop is also known to be an incredibly great aid in fighting off bacteria in the body, especially oral bacteria. The most common types of oral bacteria that soursop managed to fight off were the strains that cause yeast infections, gingivitis, and tooth decay. Soursop also worked well against the bacteria responsible for cholera and Staphylococcus infections.

Graviola fruit also proved to be efficient against inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the body’s natural way of reacting to and protecting against injury. Still, it can lead to more severe diseases if left to chronic. A study, Mechanisms of Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Annona muricata Linn. (Annonaceae) Fruit Extract in Rodents, conducted on mice and rats, showed that soursop extracts help decrease inflammation and swelling. These studies have only been conducted on animals, but they indicate promising results in human afflictions such as arthritis. However, additional research needs to be conducted for the Graviola fruit to be officially considered a powerful aid against inflammation in the human body.

Diabetic rats also benefited from the soursop extract administered to them – the extracts helped lower their blood sugar levels by up to 75%. Similarly to other studies conducted, we can deduce that soursop may also be a good aid in decreasing blood sugar levels in humans, but additional research is needed.

Initial research shows that graviola fruit may help prevent and treat or manage diabetes, cancer, herpes, coughs, inflammation of the nose and throat, parasitic infections, and leishmaniasis, an infection caused by sand fleas. Our evidence so far is enough to understand that this fruit may hold tremendous potential in preventing and treating certain conditions but is still insufficient. More evidence is still needed to prove the clinical effects of Graviola fruit on specific diseases.

The antioxidants in these spiky, miraculous fruits are meant to help neutralize harmful free radicals, which eventually cause damage to the cells. This turns the graviola fruit into an essential element in the fight against the body’s cellular aging process, making the soursop an effective ingredient in cosmetic products that help nurture and support the skin’s natural elasticity.

Soursop as a Key Ingredient in Your Healthy Lifestyle

When paired with a healthy, nutritious regime, as well as with a fitness-rich lifestyle, graviola fruit can be the ingredient that helps you maintain the healthy body you always wanted. Its high vitamin C content will support a robust immune system while stimulating the production of white cells in the human body. In addition, you can integrate graviola fruit into your life by adding it to desserts and beverages. The only recommendation here is that if you want to start benefiting from what the Graviola fruit has to offer, it’s indicated that you first consult a doctor since there may be unwanted side effects to unregulated consumption.

Of course, trying this fruit on your own may be an entirely different experience, and you may have noticed some immediate benefits to your well-being and health. However, by forming communities, we can explore what this excellent fruit offers and spread essential information that may be at the forefront of new scientific studies.

Fresh Guanabana Soursop Graviola Fruit packed in a shipping box

What are your views on the Gaviola or soursop? Please comment below or join our discussion on Facebook regarding the other benefits of this fruit.

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maria prazeres

Friday 23rd of January 2015

eu gostaria de saber como posso adquirir a gaviola, pois varias pessoa na minha familia moreram de cancer

Arturo Garza

Wednesday 10th of July 2013

en mexico se conoce como Guanabana


Najette Elazzouzi

Monday 29th of July 2013

Donde puedo comprar la gaviola? vivo en Belgica. Saludos


Tuesday 6th of March 2012

Cómo conseguirla desde Córdoba, Argentina?

pat roberts

Friday 22nd of March 2013

No hablo mucho espanol, pero tengo una pregunta. Can Gaviola be grown in a "hot house" ( Green house) . I live Oregon U.S.A./very short growing season. lots of rain.

cristina alvez

Thursday 2nd of February 2012

más que un comentario una pregunta, ¿en qué zona, lugar del planeta se encuentra esta planta? gracias


Thursday 2nd of February 2012

en Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America: Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela segun