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Health Benefits of Mangosteen

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Health Benefits of Mangosteen

White Mangosteen Pulp

The health benefits of mangosteen are extensive with a long list of potential uses.  Mangosteen is being called a superfruit – in fact, the queen of superfruit – because of the antioxidants in both the rind and fruit fight free radicals.  Mangosteen can be taken internally as a juice, powder, or capsule; eaten raw; or ground up and applied externally to the skin to treat inflamed joints.  The health benefits of mangosteen have been widely advertised, and though the tropical fruit does not grow in the Uantioxidant-fruits.comted States, it is being marketed in extract and powder capsule form by health suppliers.  Most importantly, consumers have seen considerable health benefits from mangosteen including aid for sinus and respiratory illnesses.

According to the American Cancer Association, the fruit as anti inflammatory treatment may lay ahead; early studies suggested that mangosteen may treat acne when applied topically for the same reason that natives of southern Asia have been using it for skin conditions and wounds.  The beautiful, citrus-like fruit, with its dark purple rind and bright white pulp, is being imported to the U.S. more widely thanks to these findings.

Exotic Fruit Box (5lb) $48.95

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Nasim Shahnawaz

Tuesday 21st of September 2010

where to get mangosteen and plants, as well as dragon red fruit plants. I like the dragon fruit and in my opinion better than Ki-vi