A flower bouquet is a collection or compilation of flowers in a creative and artistic arrangement. Flower bouquets are usually given as a gift on special occasions like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, debuts, awards, and other recognition. There are different types of flower bouquets including nosegay, crescent, and cascading.
As time passes by, business people have come up with new and different style of making and presenting a bouquet. One of these approaches is the most commonly known “fruit bouquet”. It is a pioneering method of bouquet arrangement,using fresh fruits instead of flowers.
A fruit bouquet contains fresh fruits that are cut into a flower or leaf shape firmly stuck into sticks, then carefully arranged in a vase or gift basket. Common fruit bouquet items include apples, bananas, cheese, papayas, grapes, pineapples, mangoes, lychees, oranges, strawberries and chocolates (usually depends on the dietary restrictions of the recipient). Sometimes, you can also include dry goods such as bread, cookies, nuts and crackers; or non-edible items like cut flowers and stuffed dolls. Fruit bouquets are perfect gifts for Christmas, birthday, graduation, baby showers or Valentine’s day.
With every fruit bouquet made, you can get and make a person joyful even on an ordinary day. Learn more on how you can start your own home-based fruit bouquet business.