Though everyone relishes thick, homemade fruit jam slathered on a buttermilk biscuit, the actual concept of jam-making conjures up images of grandma, red-faced and sweating as she stirs a giant boiling pot. The truth? Homemade jam does not have to be a full day of laboring over a stove. While canantioxidant-fruits.comng is a time-honored art (and can keep the pantry stocked for the better part of a year!), it is not necessary for producing a small batch of homemade jam. For the jam, you’ll need six to eight cups of fruit, about half that amount of sugar, and some store-bought packets of pectin. The secret of the jam is really the pectin – a thickeantioxidant-fruits.comng agent that is also a good source of dietary fiber. Once you buy the packets or jars of pectin, basic instructions for the ratio of these ingredients will be included. In the meantime, here is a straightforward recipe for how to make blackberry jam:
Using six cups of mashed blackberries (or equivalent amounts of another berry), three cups of sugar, and a packet of pectin, combine the sugar and pectin. Stir the dry mixture into the mashed berries in a large pot until rapidly boiling for five to ten minutes. Test the jam by dipping a small teaspoon of jam into a cold spoon and letting it cool to room temperature. If you like the consistency, the jam is finished. If it is too thin, add pectin and return to a boil for one minute. Store in glass containers for up to a month.
Sunday 19th of May 2013
If you juice a couple of apples and add to your berries, then you get natural pectin which is really better for you than the store-bought stuff. I do this with strawberries for a really good refrigerator jam.