A Fruit Site or Any Website for that Matter!
When first considering making Antioxidant-fruits.com, How to Start a Website? was a question that came to mind. After exploring a number of different options, we finally decided on one company. Antioxidant-fruits.com is built through a company called, Site Build It (SBI) . Without prior knowledge of knowing how to build a site, we decided to go with SBI, so that they could walk us through the process of building a website.
Now, of course, we had no idea how to build a website, nor did we know about the importance of keywords and content for search engines giants like Google. Nor did we know we could build a site and hopefully break even with the cost by advertising a little – at no cost to us! SBI helped us figure out funding to start a website. After all, SBI is the master of how to start new websites.
We were just here to build a great informational site about fruit and all the while, hope that we could continue doing so without too much out of our pocket book!
Why are we even talking about SBI with you, a reader of Antioxidant-fruits.com? Because we feel that knowledge is power and if we can help you get started on your own website adventure, then we have done our good deed for the week. We want people to have as much fun as we are having!
Here is a great video that explains the benefits of SBI:
Are you looking to create a great fruit website? Or do you have a winery and need to promote your products? Or perhaps you are a fruit orchard and want people to buy products and also come to visit during prime picking season. Site Build It can help you achieve your goals.
Testimonials from SBI Folks that wanted to sell a product online:
“There was no way that I could have built a financially profitable business with my magazine, on its own. But thanks to all the options and resources from SBI, and to lots of out of the box thinking, I found that it is possible to build a business that combines multiple streams of income from a variety of ancillary products and services (e-courses, teleworkshops, eBooks, lectures, an online marketplace, etc.) that are making a difference in the lives of my audience.”
~ Marney Makridakis of
Artella Words And Art
“Then when I got home two weeks later the mailbox was full of checks from my various writing related income streams! If only such a business model had been available 20 years ago! I would have dropped that mind-numbing paycheck-to-paycheck government career a lot sooner than I did.”
~ Shaun Fawcett of WritingHelp-Central
SBI Case Studies
Start a Travel Website
Ever wanted to start a travel website? Well, SBI can help you teach you how to start a website and possibly travel while doing it!
Testimonial for a Travel Website:
“Having the opportunity to share Vieques and Puerto Rico with so many people around the world is a great satisfaction. As a bonus, I get to go on a tax-deductible vacation every year. I can visit my beautiful island, ride my jeep, take lots of photos, meet great new people, and write travel guides about places I love. I felt that money would just be the icing on the top. Of course, I did not realize how much icing my cake would have.”
~ Luisa Cupeles of viequestravelguide.com
Site Build It for Stay-At-Home Moms
If you’re a stay-at-home mom, then you will definitely like the opportunities that Site Build It presents for you on how to start a website:
Testimonials from a Stay-At-Home Mom that uses SBI:
“I work on my site(s) every day. Okay… not every day. After all, I can take time off whenever I feel like it, which is good, because we get a lot of company these days! During those times I limit my “work” to checking stats and income and answering the odd email. But when the visiting is over, I truly can’t wait to get back to work.”
~ Michelle Schill of style-hair-magazine.com
No matter what your passion…
No matter what your passion is, how to start a website with Site Build It is easy. Check out this video about a Cowgirl Dares to Dream:
Are you retired?
Are you retired? Perfect! Site Build It is a template based system and can help you turn your passion into funds for retirement.
Wanna Quit Your Job?
Are you looking to quit your job? Do you have a miserable boss and just need to get the heck out of dodge? SBI can show you how to start a website and then quit your job.
“My goal was to build an online business that would generate an income equal (or greater, of course) to the salary I was earning. And also wouldn’t be dependant on any country’s economy (as my country’s economy is in shambles…).”
~ Elad Shippony coolest-parties.com
Have a Great Logo for Your Site!
Your company or website logo defines you. You know famous logos like Apple, Coca Cola, and Sony. These companies understand the importance of branding themselves through logos. Logonerds.com can help you with your logo needs–tell them your idea and they will send you three examples back. They are cheap too!

Do you have additional questions on how to start a website? Please do not hesitate to contact us about them.