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Neighborhood Fruit

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Neighborhood Fruit Neighborhood Fruit is an online commuantioxidant-fruits.comty that helps you locate local fruit growers and trees in your vicinity. Sharing fruits is also their mission. You may ask, how does this work? It’s actually quite simple.

First, fruit growers register their fruit bearing tree. Depending on the tree, once it is ready for fruit picking, it will show up on the profile of registered users. The second step involves connecting fruit pickers to the fruit growers by showing them the location of the tree. From then on, the fruit pickers and fruit growers discuss on meet ups or pick ups of the fruit.

Neighborhood Fruit also lets you find trees on public land. However, they can’t guarantee that the tree has fruit. With registered trees, you can pick your own fruit.

This community is open for all fruit growers who are willing to share excess fruit from trees growing on their backyards. Of course, it is not limited to fruit alone. Excess nuts, herbs and vegetables are also welcome.

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