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This page contains additional information about pomegranates, sometimes misspelled: pomagranite, pomegranite, pomigranate. If you would like to learn the basics of this fruit, please visit our main page about pomegranates (pomagranite, pomegranite, pomigranate). If you are interested in reading further, be our guest, or there is a link on the main pomegranate page that will take you to this one as well. Thank you.

The following questions were sent to by a website reader. Joe Real was kind enough to provide answers and further insight. If you have more questions about pomegranates, please do not hesitate to contact

Where can I purchase bulk of pomegranate – pomagranite?
and what is the price/pomegranate – pomagranite?

Is this is commercial scale question. So the pricing would be per ton, but the question is per fruit, so I am confused as to what will be asked. Likewise the freight charges would be on per big shipping containers that are refrigerated to delay over-ripening or controlled so that when the shipment arrives, they would have the targeted ripeness on the fruit stand. Or it could be shipped via postal air and the shipping charges would be sky high on per gram basis.

How many bearing pomegranate – pomagranite trees are there in Dubai?

Dubai has negligible land area grown for agricultural exports. My
latest query to the UN FAO database on horticultural and agricultural land area of various countries, Dubai is below the radar to be included in the listing. Whatever Dubai produces may all be destined for local consumption only. The pomegranates from Dubai might have been obtained from elsewhere like Afghanistan or Iran. So the middlemen tax may have been added to the pricing. That much I know about Dubai. I have tabulated world agricultural areas and am sure that Dubai’s agricultural output is not significantly marketed to the world. They could be agricultural brokers though. Speaking of which, if the orders are commercial scale per ton, you would negotiate with these brokers for the pricing and freight.

How many fruits (average) are being harvested per pomegranate – pomagranite tree?

Why get pomegranate fruits from Dubai? Afghanistan and Iran are the popularly known places to produce the “best” (relative definition)pomegranate in the world. Most probably Dubai’s pomegranates for sale would have come from these places.

What is the projected growth in terms of harvest and plantation? How much was the average historical prices for pomegranate fruit?

California and Australia have been continuously expanding their
plantings of pomegranates. And California’s pomegranates are getting better too. The world’s demand for pomegranates are hard to satiate at the moment.

What is the projected price of pomegranate – pomagranite? How much is the freight in fom dubai to Philippines?

The price of pomegranate on a per fruit basis here in California could range from $0.50/fruit to $2.89/fruit depending on size, quality and cultivar. But that is California’s price. About 98% of California’s fresh pomegranate for sale are from Wonderful variety, heavily planted by Paramount farms. Upcoming in the horizon, from various recent plantings would be Angel Red and Saveh.

We can grow excellent tasting pomegranates – pomagranites too in the Philippines if somebody would care enough to spend time to test and select from what we have gathered. I have given some pomegranate seeds and cuttings to our fellow rarefruiters for evaluation. We can also find areas in the Philippines that are excellent for pomegranate growing. Most of our existing cultivars are tart or bland and hard seeded. At the USDA
Germplasm alone, there are more than 1,500 pomegranate cultivar
accessions, and surely a few of them would be suited to our local
conditions. We can also evaluate what we have at hand.

One thing that I have observed, pomegranates are no longer becoming a fad, it is going mainstream here. From the latest World Ag Expo 2009 that I attended, that was the assessment of the growers world wide. We don’t want to miss the boat by dismissing this as a fad, there is still plenty of time to get on board, the market is still young.

Pomegranates will grow in the Philippines!

Afterall, it originated in Southern Asia, and was only adopted by people in the Mediterranean areas. Although vast majority of the publications have claimed that pomegranates are native or endemic to the middle east, such as Iran and North India. One of these days, a genetic map of pomegranate would help pinpoint the most likely origin. But regardless, what is important to point out is that there are evidences that pomegranates have been grown in South Asia for as long as that in the Middle East. So the climate is not really an excuse for Filipinos not to try one. Just find the suitable cultivars. Certainly, those best tasting in the Mideast may not be suited to our humid climates, but we haven’t tested many cultivars. We need real work to test these, and not internet searches to find the answer as to what cultivars would grow and taste the best. That is where most RFSP members can join-in and report their own personal findings if the Philippine government has no time nor money to spend on such endeavor.


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Saturday 28th of August 2010


Evelyn Jamila-Landrito

Wednesday 26th of January 2011

Marhaba .Please give me quotation for pomegranate.

Thank you