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Superberries Aronia Berries’ Products: Health Benefits and Where to Buy

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For years, aronia berries have been cultivated in Eastern Europe. American consumers are now embracing the tiny, tart berry because of its antioxidant level and balanced protection against free radicals. Aroniaberries have the highest oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC) value of any fruit measured – higher than acia, goji, blueberry, and cranberry. Superberries has developed a line of products to bring this superfruit to health-conscious consumers. Superberries’ family of products includes 100% Pure Aroantioxidant-fruits.comaberry Concentrate, Freshly Frozen Aroantioxidant-fruits.comaberries, Aroantioxidant-fruits.comaberry Gummy Chews and the Aroantioxidant-fruits.comaberry+ Daily Wellness Shot.

Superberries Aroniaberry Chokeberry Products

In addition to antioxidants, aroniaberries contain a natural blend of tannins, catechins, anthocyanins and polyphenols. Studies confirm that compounds present in aroniaberries are beneficial for overall health and support eye, joint, cardiovascular health, inflammation reduction, and cell damage from unstable free radicals.

Superberries’ products make it easy to get the health benefits of aronia by offering choices such as frozen berries, perfect for smoothies and baking; aronia concentrate, great in tea or lemonade; the ready to drink wellness shot; and the perfect-for-healthy-snacking gummy chews.

Buy Superberries’ products on their website or on

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