Facts About Aronia Berries
The aronia berry, also called choke berry, is considered to be the highest antioxidant berry of all the fruits.
The aronia berry, also called choke berry, is considered to be the highest antioxidant berry of all the fruits.
Despite their not so appetizing alias, the aronia berry, or choke berry, is actually a superfruit that is both easily accessible and practical for human consumption. Aronia berries grow naturally in the United States but are becoming a profitable industry as well because of their health benefits.
Elderberry, boysenberry, huckleberry, and…choke berry? This off-beat fruit doesn’t just have an unusual name (as many berries do); it also merits recognition as one of the rare fruits and, of course, as a uniquely healthy fruit. The black chokeberry is especially full of antioxidants.
The aronia berry is also known as the choke berry. Aronia berries are also filled with nutrients that are great for those who use the …
The choke berry is also known as the aronia berry or the black chokeberry. This somewhat rare fruit has wonderful antioxidant fruit powers and many benefits.
Aronia Berry Uses: Learn more about the uses of the aronia berry or chokeberry