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Mangosteen Fruit Benefits

Mangosteen juice, mangosteen powder, and mangosteen capsules – these are a few of the all-natural fruit products that are taking advantage of the mangosteen superfruit. The health benefits from mangosteen have caught public attention, and now all elements of the fruit are being harvested as a nutritional supplement.

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Health Benefits of Mangosteen

The health benefits of mangosteen are extensive with a long list of potential uses. Mangosteen is being called a superfruit – in fact, the queen of superfruit – because of the antioxidants in both the rind and fruit that fight free radicals. Mangosteen can be taken internally as a juice, powder, or capsule; eaten raw; or ground up and applied externally to the skin to treat inflamed joints.

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Using Mangosteen for Sinus Problems

Don’t confuse this southwest Asian fruit with the mango commonly sold in grocery stores. The mangosteen, in size somewhere between an apple and an orange, has an outer purple skin with soft white fruit inside with a flavor that is both citrus and peach-like. Most importantly, consumers have seen considerable health benefits from mangosteen including aid for sinus and respiratory illnesses.

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