Sweetheart Cherry
With the word “sweet” in very name Sweetheart cherries, it’s easy to guess what they must taste like. This fruit is particularly sweet and juicy when ripe.
With the word “sweet” in very name Sweetheart cherries, it’s easy to guess what they must taste like. This fruit is particularly sweet and juicy when ripe.
The Napoleon cherry, also known as the Royal Ann or Queen Ann, is a sweet cherry used for desserts and in the process of making maraschino cherries.
Contrary to popular belief, Maraschino cherries aren’t a specific type of cherry; instead, they are sweet cherries that have been preserved.
So many different types of cherries and so little time to taste them all! As researchers continue to create hybrid cherries, we get to taste test the delicious results. Lapins cherries are one of these hybrids.
If you know anything about the different types of cherries, you won’t be surprised that Rainier cherries are some of the most expensive.
Let’s look at Rainier cherries and see what sets them apart, what their background is and what health benefits they can bring to the table.