Lanzones are fruit produced by Lansium domesticum, a tree native to the Malaysian peninsula. They are a particularly nutritious type of fruit, with each 100-gram serving containing respectable amounts of fiber, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, thiamine, vitamin A, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamin C, and phytin.
What are some uses of lanzones?
Lanzones and the tree from which they are derived are reputed to have a variety of medical and practical uses. Among these reputed uses are the following:
- Desiccated peels to repel mosquitoes.
- Powdered lanzone tree bark is used as a treatment for scorpion stings.
- Using lanzone fruit to treat fever.
- Using lanzone tree bark to treat diarrhea.
Beyond these reported uses, there are essential nutritional benefits of lanzones to consider.
The thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2) content of lanzones assists the body in energy production, the manufacture of red blood cells, and a variety of other biochemical processes.
B1 is an especially important nutrient; deficiencies of B1 can result in severe neurological impairment manifesting as disturbances in coordination, cognition, and other aspects of central nervous system functioning. A balanced diet containing lanzones and other botanical sources of B1 can both prevent and alleviate the devastating effects of B1 deficiency.
In addition, the vitamin A (retinol) and carotene contents of lanzones are noteworthy. It is well-known that vitamin A is essential to healthy eyesight, but it is less well-known that it also significantly contributes to the health of teeth, skin, and other bodily systems. Carotene has potent antioxidant properties, which makes it of great use for people with medical conditions complicated by excessive bodily free radical levels.
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