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Vitamins in Acai Berry

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Acai Palm Tree

Acai Palm Tree

The acai berry is a small, round, purple fruit that looks like a grape or blueberry. The fruit is found on large palm trees that grows only in the Amazon forests of Brazil.

Acai being one of the most powerful antioxidant fruits in the world is very rich in healthy omega fats (namely Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9). These essential fatty acids play an important role in the brain development and function as well as its normal growth.

Other acai vitamins include amino acids, protein, fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E. Like blueberries, acai berry is also high in potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium and zinc.

This super berry fruit is also an excellent source of Beta-sitosterol which is used for boosting the immune system and for blocking harmful diseases such as cancer and heart diseases. It is also a good source of campesterol and sigmasterol which are used for lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the chances of cardiovascular problems.

With so many health benefits, the Acai berry is an excellent way to improve your health in the long run. You can eat the berry directly or you may try the acai juice. They are also available in anti oxidant supplements.

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