Wolfberry Nutritional
Many people wonder what the true wolfberry nutritional value really is. They hear of the health benefits of wolfberry. They hear about the cardiovascular health wolfberry improves. What proof can science offer to back up these claims that wolfberry is truly a super fruits?
Commercially, the wolfberry is known as goji berry. The Chinese have used wolfberries for years as a food laden with many health benefits. This fruit has recently hit Europe and America with many websites touting the benefits of goji berry and selling the health drinks marketed as goji juice. It is important to note that many of these juices are not made strictly from wolfberries but a blend of many different fruit juices. The juice is still very healthy but might not be the miracle juice that some of the marketing suggests.
The wolfberry itself contains many of the human bodies daily macronutrient needs. The seeds are high in both omega 3 and omega 6 which is important for heart health. Wolfberry also contains at least 11 essential minerals, 22 trace minerals, 7 vitamins and 18 amino acids.
A 100 gram serving of Wolfberry contains 8-10% of our daily calcium requirements that help with bone and teeth development. It also contains 24% of daily potassium, crucial in lowering high blood pressure and managing electrolytes and enzymes. Also, its amazing iron content is thought to be almost twice that of soybeans which is often regarded and one of the highest iron rich foods. Wolfberries will give 20% of daily Zinc requirements that helps with cell growth and repair. It takes care of almost all of a daily dose of Selenium that helps element free radicals. It also takes care of our whole daily requirement of Riboflavin that synthesizes other vitamins and enzymes. Lastly, Wolfberry compares to fresh oranges, blueberries and soybeans with its vitamin C content.
If that is not enough to convince you that Wolfberry is very healthy it is also know to have dozens of phytochemicals, such as Beta-Carotene, Zeaxanthin and Polysaccharides. These are important in helping your body function and cell development and repair.
If one can get beyond many of the marketing ploys and pyramid schemes that surround this fruit you will find a healthy alternative too many of the fruits on the market. It may not make you live to be 252 like one such marketing ploy suggests but you will certainly feel better and might just be healthier
Bath Screens
Monday 20th of December 2010
Omega-3 is really needed for avoiding cardiovascular diseases and it also helps in cutting down fats .,;
Jacob Patel
Sunday 12th of September 2010
omega3 really helps in preventing clogged arteries and cardiovascular diseases